Sunday, April 20, 2008

Under the Weather

We are all a bit under the weather here, but we managed to have a pretty busy weekend in spite of not feeling great. Mike took Abby to her Creative Storytelling class Saturday morning, and she again had a great time. She did carry around a kleenex with her the entire 1 1/2 hours, but she made it through til the end. She has a nasty runny nose and cough, which I think I actually gave to her. I'm not sure where I picked it up, but I seem to be the original source.

I went to see Jersey Boys on Saturday night with two girlfriends. Mike had given me tickets for Christmas, and I wasn't going to let my hacking cough stop me from going! We went to dinner first (it's always nice to go out to dinner and not have to cut up anyone else's food :-) and then walked to the theather. The show was fantastic, and we had a great time. I was welcomed home with Abby sleeping (actually, she wasn't sleeping, as her cold was keeping her up) in my bed, and Mike sleeping on the couch. He said that Abby was having a hard time sleeping due to her cold and wanted to sleep with me. So.......she kept me up most of the night with her tossing and turning, and her running commentary on how she couldn't sleep because she couldn't breathe.

I thought perhaps H&G would miss this cold, but it seems to have struck them tonight. Both were coughing and crying after I put them down for bed, so they've been medicated, to hopefully help them sleep through the night so I can get some sleep!!

Anyway, the weather was nice this afternoon so we were out playing for a bit. Below are some pictures from today, and the last couple of days. Enjoy, and more later.

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