Info on the kiddies - they are all growing so fast, and all such great kids.
Griffin loves to:
* take a big gulp of milk and then spit it out, all over himself, his food, and his clothes
* race Hannah around the kitchen island, pushing a stroller
* go under Dad's legs while pushing above mentioned stroller
* bring me his shoes in the morning so I can put them on his feet
* go outside and play
* giggle like there is no tomorrow when Dad is tickling him
* play peek a boo with his blanket
* shout "cracker" at the top of his lungs when asking for a graham cracker
* steal the tv remote
* read his truck book and Traffic book
* cuddle and hug
* blow kisses
* play with any Dora toy
* push his trucks, cars, and trains across the floor
* stand at our front door and shout "car" everytime a car goes by
Hannah loves to:
* take a big gulp of milk and then spit it out, all over herself, her food, and her clothes
* race Griffin around the kitchen island, pushing a stroller
* go under Dad's legs while pushing above mentioned stroller
* THROW her shoes at me in the morning so I'll put them on her feet
* be tipped upside down by Dad, while flying through the air
* play shy by s-l-o-w-l-y blinking her eyes, and looking at you under her lashes
* shout "cracker" at the top of her lungs when asking for a graham cracker
* HIT when she doesn't get what she wants
* chat in her crib after she wakes in the morning or after nap
* read Goodnight Moon and Snuggle Bunnies
* give wet kisses
* "honk" your nose
* play blocks
Abby loves to:
* write letters
* watch CyberChase on PBS
* act out princess stories, over and over again
* play on the computer
* color and paint
* do any craft
* sing country music with me in the car
* ride her bike
* be outside
* be read to in bed
* play mermaid in the bathtub
* have "sleepovers" with me in our bed (making Mike sleep in her bed!)
* hug me and tell me she loves me
* watch Dancing with the Stars, making Mike dance with her as she is watching the show
I was able to play outside with Abby today while the twinners were napping. It was way too windy for them to be outside, so Abby and I got to have some one on one time while they napped. We got out her kite and tried to fly it, but it was even to windy for that. Enjoy the pics.