Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Just Some Pictures

Another nice day, so Abby and I were out enjoying the weather when the twins were napping. We went out again when H&G were up, but I didn't have my camera with me. I did manage to geta couple of pictures of Griff trying on my shoes :-) I also got a picture of the three kiddies together yesterday......Hannah wasn't (and still isn't) feeling that great, so she looks a bit tired in the picture.

Out with Abby, enjoying the sunshine:

Abby was telling me she loved me this much, and I happened to get a picture of it... Blowing bubblesThe monkeys
Do you like my shoe?

"You can't be're going to wear Mom's shoes?" Hannah says to Griff.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Under the Weather

We are all a bit under the weather here, but we managed to have a pretty busy weekend in spite of not feeling great. Mike took Abby to her Creative Storytelling class Saturday morning, and she again had a great time. She did carry around a kleenex with her the entire 1 1/2 hours, but she made it through til the end. She has a nasty runny nose and cough, which I think I actually gave to her. I'm not sure where I picked it up, but I seem to be the original source.

I went to see Jersey Boys on Saturday night with two girlfriends. Mike had given me tickets for Christmas, and I wasn't going to let my hacking cough stop me from going! We went to dinner first (it's always nice to go out to dinner and not have to cut up anyone else's food :-) and then walked to the theather. The show was fantastic, and we had a great time. I was welcomed home with Abby sleeping (actually, she wasn't sleeping, as her cold was keeping her up) in my bed, and Mike sleeping on the couch. He said that Abby was having a hard time sleeping due to her cold and wanted to sleep with me. So.......she kept me up most of the night with her tossing and turning, and her running commentary on how she couldn't sleep because she couldn't breathe.

I thought perhaps H&G would miss this cold, but it seems to have struck them tonight. Both were coughing and crying after I put them down for bed, so they've been medicated, to hopefully help them sleep through the night so I can get some sleep!!

Anyway, the weather was nice this afternoon so we were out playing for a bit. Below are some pictures from today, and the last couple of days. Enjoy, and more later.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

SCORE! And some Outside Pics

Our little soccer player scored a goal in her very first soccer game last night! I guess you could say she actually scored 2 goals, but one of them was in her own team's goal :-) She told me later she forgot which way she was running!!! Easy to do, I said to her with a smile. She was THRILLED they got to play a game. For whatever reason, the girl loves soccer. Who would have guessed she would love running all over chasing after a ball..... I didn't get to see they game, as I had to bring H&G for bed, but Mike said she never stopped running. I believe it, b/c when she got home, she was drentched in sweat. I tried to get some pictures while I was there, but was having a hard time getting a good shot of her running around. Below are the best I could do.

We also had great weather yesterday, so we were out most of the afternoon. Griffin and Hannah, but especially Griffin, LOVE the slide on our swingset and couldn't get enough of it yesterday. Griffin saw Abby climb UP the slide once (versus sliding down it), and decided that would be fun to try. After one tumble, he masterd climbing up it and now refuses to use the ladder. Enjoy the pictures.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Kiddie Update

Info on the kiddies - they are all growing so fast, and all such great kids.

Griffin loves to:
* take a big gulp of milk and then spit it out, all over himself, his food, and his clothes
* race Hannah around the kitchen island, pushing a stroller
* go under Dad's legs while pushing above mentioned stroller
* bring me his shoes in the morning so I can put them on his feet
* go outside and play
* giggle like there is no tomorrow when Dad is tickling him
* play peek a boo with his blanket
* shout "cracker" at the top of his lungs when asking for a graham cracker
* steal the tv remote
* read his truck book and Traffic book
* cuddle and hug
* blow kisses
* play with any Dora toy
* push his trucks, cars, and trains across the floor
* stand at our front door and shout "car" everytime a car goes by

Hannah loves to:
* take a big gulp of milk and then spit it out, all over herself, her food, and her clothes
* race Griffin around the kitchen island, pushing a stroller
* go under Dad's legs while pushing above mentioned stroller
* THROW her shoes at me in the morning so I'll put them on her feet
* be tipped upside down by Dad, while flying through the air
* play shy by s-l-o-w-l-y blinking her eyes, and looking at you under her lashes
* shout "cracker" at the top of her lungs when asking for a graham cracker
* HIT when she doesn't get what she wants
* chat in her crib after she wakes in the morning or after nap
* read Goodnight Moon and Snuggle Bunnies
* give wet kisses
* "honk" your nose
* play blocks

Abby loves to:
* write letters
* watch CyberChase on PBS
* act out princess stories, over and over again
* play on the computer
* color and paint
* do any craft
* sing country music with me in the car
* ride her bike
* be outside
* be read to in bed
* play mermaid in the bathtub
* have "sleepovers" with me in our bed (making Mike sleep in her bed!)
* hug me and tell me she loves me
* watch Dancing with the Stars, making Mike dance with her as she is watching the show

I was able to play outside with Abby today while the twinners were napping. It was way too windy for them to be outside, so Abby and I got to have some one on one time while they napped. We got out her kite and tried to fly it, but it was even to windy for that. Enjoy the pics.