Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Photo Dump

We've been enjoying our school free days around here. The kids have been doing basketball camp, volleyball camp, figure skating, baseball and lots of playdates with friends. The weather is just now starting to warm up, so hopefully there will be some beach and pool pictures in our future. 

 For now, here is a dump of what has been going on around here.

I dyed the girls' hair the other day. I was stressed out the entire time!  Hannah now is sporting red tips and Abby's is bleached.  I probably could have left the bleach on Abby's hair a bit longer to make it lighter, but I'm not kidding, my heart was racing the entire time, afraid her ends were going to break off!  They both love their new summer hair, and now that we've done it once, it will be easy to do again.

My pretty peonies!  I LOVE these flowers. I wish they lasted longer than they do.

More spring flowers!

Hannah whistling back to the birds in the trees!

 THIS is exactly how Griff's been acting all summer. He is so much more squirrelly than the girls.

Hannah dancing in the driveway. Can you see her red hair?

Abby....just got back from skating practice, hence the pants.

Peonies again!

Our little welcome sign :-)

Every year I like to take a picture of the front of our house to see how the landscaping has changed.

And here is Griff, getting in one of my pictures. He wanted to make sure I posted this so Grandmas and Grandpas could see him :-)

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