Sunday, May 5, 2013

Street Hockey....

....or maybe garage hockey. This is Griff's new passion. Every morning before school, immediately after school, and all weekend he wants to play hockey in the garage. We bought a new hockey net and some cheap sticks for everyone and they can't stop playing. Mike has all sorts of games made up for them, along with plays written in chalk on the garage floor. It's pretty hard core :-)  They are loving it, Griff especially.

Here is a video before school last Friday. He loves lifting the puck into the net.

Here are some pictures from this afternoon. The weather has finally turned for the better and we had sunny skies and temps in the 60s today. We are keeping our fingers crossed that it holds!

It's a nice looks he's got going on, huh?

And Miss Hannah riding her bike and doing tricks!  Abby was inside doing homework, so no pictures of her today.

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