Monday, August 27, 2012

Epic Fail

The day started out so promising!!!  Mike and I surprised the kids this morning with a trip to Valley Fair, kinda like Six Flags for all of you back home :-)  It's always fun when the kids wake in the morning and they see Mike still at home. Griff was very confused...."is it a weekend?" he asked.  Mike told him he was working at home. That satisfied him for a bit, until he saw me packing up a beach bag and making lunches.  He was onto us, but couldn't figure out where we were headed. Finally the girls woke and all three of them were peppering us with 20 questions. I think Abby figured it out, but she didn't let on to the twinners.

Lots of excited screaming when we pulled in. We were off for some FUN.  First stop, the Scrambler. Abby's favorite ride, based upon the one time she's been to Valley Fair :-)  After looking at it Mike and I decided there was no way H&G would ride on it without one of us. Taking one for the team, I volunteered, figuring that left a roller coaster for Mike.

Before I go any further, you need to know I had a partial root canal last Thursday.  Partial because it was so bad the doc needed to medicate it and have me come back in 2 weeks to finish up. was feeling fine and no reason to believe anything weird would happen..... so anyway.... off to Valley Fair we go.

I get on the Scrambler with Hanny ready for some fun.  It starts, and the first whip to the side I felt like my mouth had been shot. Intense pain, gotta sit down now b/c I'm going to faint pain, find a medical building pain, let's call the dentist pain, gotta go home pain.  According to the dentist I had a pressure pocket due to the quick change of pressure I experienced on the ride.  I wanted to tell the dentist that staying away from amusement parks should have been on the little "how to care for your tooth after a root canal" sheet......

Luckily, the nice people at Valley Fair gave us rain checks to come back another day, so we didn't lose all our cash-o-la.

Anyway, here are some pictures to prove we were there for 1/2 an hour, and that we were all ready for some fun.  We'll be back, hopefully before school starts!

Just got there.....ready for fun!
 Proving to you I was there ready for a good time....waiting in line at the Scrambler....
 Getting ready for take off!
 I think my tooth was already killing me by this point......
 Griff didn't really like the ride, either.
 I was just waiting for the ride to end at this point
 Thought I might be able to rally, so we walked over to Planet Snoopy.
 After one flying Linus ride, I had had it....time to go home.

We'll be back.....and Mike will be riding ALL the rides :-)

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