Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More Kiddo Updates

Okay, you all like the kid updates.  Apparently you like to hear about the boring and mundane goings ons around here :-)  You asked for it, you got it....more tidbits on the kidbits.  And more pictures to come....I just can't take ONE.MORE. SNOW.PICTURE.

* Counts snowplows everyday when we are in the car.  The most we have ever seen in one day is 21.  He has rules though...they have to be moving, not parked in a parking lot and it can't be a one of those bobcats with a plow on it, that doesn't count. Has to be a pick-up with a plow or one of those humungous trucks.  And if he sees one with a double plow, cover your ears b/c he screams to let you know it's coming!
*  Wants to be a Dad when he grows up. Seriously, when you ask him that is what he says...or a hospital boy, but we aren't sure what that means!
* Likes to ice skate and play hockey with Mike, but will not take a hockey lesson for anything. He does say he wants to try golf, so he might be out there with Mike this spring and summer.
* Is funny, seriously funny. And he's starting to realize it. Easily the most funny kid in our house. He's a Newman, through and through :-)

* Wants to play Barbies all the time.  She'll ask you to play, give you a Barbie and tell you to start. Which means you need to start talking to her Barbie about who knows what and basically keep the conversation flowing. Excruciating :-)
* Asked me why she had a tongue this morning.  I told her that her tongue helped her eat and that it also has taste buds on it to tell her what food tastes helps her figure out what she likes and doesn't like to eat. She processed that for a beat and then told me her tongue does not like chicken.
* Wants to be a mermaid when she grows up. She looked so crushed the first time I told her that I didn't think that would happen that I stopped telling her that she couldn't. I now just nod and tell her she will make a beautiful mermaid.
* Loves to sit at the computer and look at "pretty dresses and shoes". There is a kids clothing site that has daily sales and every morning she asks to get on the computer to look.  And every day she asks if she can have this or that. When I tell her no, she looks at me, says okay, then for my birthday, and resumes "shopping".

*  No longer wants me to read to her at night. The first night I was like great, I have 20 more minutes for tv, rock on.  We are now are week 2 and I miss it. Now she gets ready for bed, I tuck her in, she grabs  Harry Potter, and says "night Mom"... and that's my cue to leave her room.....
* The other week during Mass at school, Abby did one of the readings. I asked her if she was picked or volunteered for the reading and she said she volunteered.  I told her I was proud of her, that it took some courage to get up in front of the entire school and do a reading. She said to me, "Yeah, I like doing it. I REALLY like using the microphone." Then tonight she comes home from Faith Formation and says it was music night.  Really? What'd you do? I got to sing in the church in front of everyone by myself....with a microphone...I was so loud Mom!
* Is really starting to evolve into a great big sister. As soon as she gets home from school she'll get with Hannah and Griff and want to play with them. Barbies, cars, trains, reading books, whatever. Today as I was making dinner she was leading them in a game of Life. It's too hard a game for H&G, but she reads the board and cards for them, counts their money, helps them decide what to do.  I love hearing them together from the kitchen.

That's all for now.......

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