Sunday, February 20, 2011

Kid Updates and Other Stuff

Haven't done a kid update for goes:

*  loving karate. she likes to practice on mike and thinks it's funny when she can catch him off guard and jab him
*  practicing for her upcoming ice skating show.  we pick up the costume next week.....THAT is what she is really excited about :-)
*  is re-reading all the Harry Potter books. she is on book 5 right now.
*  is collecting her favorite quotes from each HP book and then quizzes us on which book they are from.  she can't believe it when we tell her we don't know.
*  loves to write stories and plays. she has probably 5 of those black and white composition notebooks and all of them are full of her stories. she likes to make us audition for parts in her plays. then we have to dress in the costumes she picks out and perform the play.
* wants to be a marine biologist and talks about it all.the.time.
* sharks are her favorite animal

*  loves to read out loud and will read to anyone who will listen
*  loves to sing too...just about anything, but is loving the Time Life 6 CD collection that mike bought off the tv the other week (seriously!). it's all 70's music. Your Mamma Don't Dance and Your Daddy Don't Rock n Roll is her favorite right now :-)
* is a great colorer and painter. she concentrates very hard to stay in the lines.
* would eat corn dogs every day for lunch if i let her
* loves to practice writing her name and all her letters
* LOVES spongebob. I'm sure it's a cartoon she shouldn't be watching, but.....
* has to be right about everything, EVERYTHING. what she wears, what she eats, what we watch on tv....has a bit of a control problem :-)
* opens her eyes REALLY WIDE if she is trying hard not to cry...and then she blinks....and all the tears come streaming down her little face
* asks for a "real poodle" every chance she gets
* sleeps with the covers completely over her. every night i go into her room and have to pull the covers off her head. i'm afraid she can't breathe in there.....

*  loves to grab the free car trade magazines you can get at Cub Foods. He brings them home and cuts out the pictures of all his favorites and then asks if he can get them for his birthday :-)
* builds really large and complex train tracks all by himself.  he makes sure that the trains don't get caught in a loop.  you can see him sitting there concentrating, making sure it will work correctly.
* loves to play with hannah more than she likes to play with him! always asking her to play trains or cars or to paint
* LOVES games......esp Doodle Dice and Spot It
* LOVES LOVES LOVES Wipeout on tv. Everyday he asks if a new one is going to be on. It's on Thursday's the one night a week we let him stay up past bedtime to watch it.
* loves coloring and painting pictures for mike to take to work
* LOVES spongebob. I'm sure it's a cartoon he shouldn't be watching, but.....
* will show his temper every once in awhile....can really yell at hannah if he's really mad!
* is a pleaser and doesn't like it at all when he realizes he's done something he shouldn't have. does not like to get in trouble at all

This activity can keep Griff (and Mike) occupied for HOURS.  They line up Griff's 3,784 matchbox cars and launch them down this make-shift track thingy they made and see who goes the furthest.  You'll see Hannah set up the Polly Pockets to watch the big contest :-) It's our own little Daytona 500.

And this is what is happening right now......more snow...up to 12 inches they say. yipee.


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