Friday, October 15, 2010

Whew.....sitting down for a breather

It's been busy around here....been feeling a bit like this....running around out of control.....

I really don't mind. The running around from here to there and everywhere is much better than being trapped inside the house with 6 month old twins in February.  I'll take this any day.  With all the time we've been spending in the car, we've found some fun short cuts to and from various places, so it's a bit of an adventure while we are out and about, too :-)  Our typical week is karate 2 -3 times after school, faith formation one night a week and girl scouts or some other function one other day after school. Busy, but fun busy.  And, I've figured out the dinner predicament: the slow cooker and a bit of meal planning goes a long way.  We haven't had fast food in two weeks.

With Abby being busy, and the twins being in school a couple days a week, I haven't had much opportunity to take many pictures.  Below are some that I've taken over the last couple of weeks. None of Abby because she is never around :-) Will try to get some this weekend. Would love to get a family one since the trees are so pretty...we'll see if we can get it done!

(they usually wear helmets, I swear. just ask anyone in the neighborhood. or abby. she hates them.  i wanted them off for the pictures...they were on them as soon as the camera was away :-)

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