Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Sneak Peak

Our town had a little early trick or treat celebration today. The kids were excited to get into their costumes and get some candy.  They are very excited about tomorrow night. We are heading to a neighbors for some pizza and then off to collect as much candy as possible :-)  Will try to get some pictures tomorrow, too. (Hannah - Princess; Abby - Southern Belle; Griff - Fireman)

Oh, and we had lots of fun carving pumpkins this year.  Abby's is the one closest to the house with the strange scar on the top of the head; Hannah's is the one with the circle eyes and frown (she wanted a sad pumpkin....have not idea why) and Griff's is the traditional pumpkin with the triangle eyes and nose.  Mike's is the small one with the Harry Potter scar :-)  We had some cool webbing and spiders hanging from our door, windows and rock outside our house, but the tornado-like winds we had the other day torn it all off.  I didn't have the energy to put it all back up again.

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