Tuesday, August 10, 2010

We're 4!!

This birthday is almost harder to believe than Abby's.......it's mind-blowing that it's been 4 years since Hannah and Griffin were born.  The time truly has flown by.  They are little people now and so much fun. I remember having a conversation with a mom who had 4 year old twins in Abby's preschool class when H&G were just 1 year old.  I asked her when it got easier.....she said when they are 4.  At the time that seemed SO FAR AWAY....and so depressing! But, here we are.  And she was right :-)

They had a great birthday today, opening presents first thing in the morning and having a birthday breakfast: Hannah wanted pancakes and Griff wanted Raisin Bran! Then it was off to the library (due to a rainy morning) and then Starbucks for their favorite treat, a pumpkin scone and "coffee" (water in a small coffee cup). Then we came back home and tried out the new scooter (Griff) and new roller skates (Hannah). They are going to need some practice!

After a dinner of pork tenderloin and ravioli, there was cake and ice cream. Uncle Don and Uncle Dave stopped by with more gifts, too. All in all, a very good day for the little monkeys.  Now I just need to figure out what to do with all this cake......the neighbors may be getting some slices tomorrow!

Just woke up.....can't believe all the gifts!

Notice my little shutter-bug in the background? She had to take pictures, too!
Hannah is totally into mermaids and loved her mermaid barbie
A new t-ball bat!
cars :-)
a huge stuffed horse from g&g meiers
ah, playmobil....lots of little pieces, but t hey love them!
family photo
Hannah had a garden fairy cake and griff wanted a golf course....so we did 1/2 and 1/2 on one big cake!
Blowing out the candles. Hannah got all embarrassed when we sang to her, she was almost crying in this picture......
but she recovered to blow out her candles!

1 comment:

Steve and Dawn Minor said...

Happy Birthday to all of your kiddos!