Saturday, August 14, 2010

Peter Pan and the County Fair

These two things have nothing to do with each other, but I'm too lazy to do two different posts. This past week Abby was in a theater camp, and they performed the play Peter Pan on Friday. It was really cute. She was a "little flier", which means she had two dance routines in addition to the finale.  She had a lot of fun and says she'd like to do it again next summer.

Today we headed to the county fair. It was HOT.  And poor Mike had to hobble around on his broken foot.  The kids had fun. There were pony rides, an extreme canine dog show, some rides (with the scariest carnies ever), lemonade shake-ups, and a pick-a-duck game.  Good day for the kiddos. Griff was so wiped out he fell asleep on the couch at 5:54 and has been asleep ever since! He didn't even wake when I carried him to bed.

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