Tuesday, March 10, 2009

M*O*A The Most Magical Place on Earth

Oh wait, that's Disney World, NOT the Mall of America :-) But for our three little chickens, it's a close second!

Mike and I took the kids to Nickelodeon Universe yesterday, the amusement park at the MOA. Abby is on spring break, and we promised her we would take her one of the days she was off. Mike and I were pleasantly surprised.....there was almost no one there, AND all of the monkeys were very well behaved. Hannah & Griff had just as much fun as Abby did running all around and riding all the rides. Somehow I was nominated to go on all the rides, so Mike was on camera duty most of the day. Enjoy the pictures! (oh, and the log ride? The SCARIEST ride there! Both Abby and I said never again!)

And this is just a picture I took of Griff playing with his cars the other day. He spends HOURS with them. It's the first thing he asks for when he wakes for the day or from a nap. He pushes them across the kitchen island, back and forth, back and forth, over and over again. He then piles them up into a "car carrier", like in this picture.

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