Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Bit of Spring

I'm sure this is just a tease, but we've been given what feels like a bit of spring here the last couple of days, and it's supposed to be above 40 again today. I'll take it!

Below are pictures from some outside fun, along with pictures of Abby painting some masterpieces yesterday. Enjoy!

What? Doesn't everyone paint wearing just their undies? :-)

Hanny and Griff getting into the fun after nap-time.

Playing outside. I was playing around with black & white, so most of the pictures are not color.

Picture of Hannah's boots in the melting snow.

Hannah & Griff had the most fun splashing in all the puddles.

Can you see she is jumping in mid-air!

And so is Griff!
Helping each other ride Abby's very old itty-bitty bike.

A snow angel made by my little angel, Abby.

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