Thursday, October 23, 2008

Grandma & Grandpa Newman Visit

G&G Newman were up last week for a long weekend visit, and the kids couldn't have been more thrilled. There was much time spent playing, coloring, taking walks, and laughing. We tried desperately to get a picture of the kids with G&G, but it's always difficult to get a picture with all three kids looking at the camera, much less smiling! Below is my best attempt! (and please notice Hannah's leg warmers....they are Abby's, but Abby refuses to wear them, so Hannah has happily adopted them as her own :-)
A heated game of Hungry, Hungry Hippo (the loudest game ever made)! Hannah, the most competitive of the bunch, is playing with BOTH hands, determined to win!
And on a completely different note, we are having a painting done of the kids, and a very early peek of it is posted below. I provided the artist a handful of pictures from our vacation to Wisconsin this summer, and from those pictures, he came up with the below painting. We are super excited to see it when it's finished. It should look nice hanging above our fire place (as soon as Mike figures out the best way to drill a hole into the stone!)

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