Friday, October 24, 2008

Couple more G&G Newman pics....and Griff's Favorite Activity as of Late

A couple more pictures from our weekend visit from G&G. Hannah reading with Grandma after waking from her nap, and Griff in his favorite place, Grandpa's lap :-) He could have stayed on Grandpa's lap all weekend and been very happy! He's also dressed in his Chicago Bears blue and orange shirt in honor of the game that was being played on Sunday against Minnesota. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see any of the game, because the cable was out in OUR ENTIRE TOWN. NO ONE got to watch the game. And it took Mike until half-time to remember the invention of the radio :-)

And lastly, a couple of pictures of Griff's favorite activity lately. He grabs as many match-box cars as his little hands will carry and brings them up to the kitchen island. He then grabs a couple of books and sets up a little race track for himself. He literally sits up at the counter all afternoon, zooming the cars up and down the pages of the books.

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