Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We're Two!

Hannah and Griff turned two on August 10. We celebrated in LaSalle....we were in town for my 20th high school reunion (really? 20 years..that can't be right) and had their birthday party at Grandma and Grandpa Newman's. They made out like little bandits. Griff serioulsy got about 1,231 cars and trucks, all of them cooler and noisier than the next, and Hannah got lots of fun girlie toys that Abby somehow hadn't already received! It's hard to believe the little chick-a-dees are growing up.....FAST! Below are some pictures from our weekend at G&G Newman's. Enjoy :-)

Our traditional birthday picture with the kiddies......every year we take a picture with the kids on their birthday. We've been lucky each year that the pictures turn out well.....our luck this year ran out...Hannah wanted nothing to do with our tradition, and the below is the best we got with H&G :-)

Birthday fun with Grandpa......and a little sharing of the ice cream, too!

And our twirling girl, Abby.

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