Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ariel's Beginning

It came out today. Ariel's Beginning. The movie. If you had forgotten, don't worry, Abby would have reminded you at 6:30am. We were dressed and out the door by 8am to be first in line at Target. Abby was THRILLED.

The kids then had a "picnic breakfast" of donuts in the family room while watching the movie. Abby was entranced; Hannah & Griff not so much, but it did keep them out of my hair for about 1/2 hour :-)

Also....look how BIG our sunflowers are! A couple have bloomed and the rest will any day now.

1 comment:

Gramma C said...

I was going to ask about the sunflowers. They really look nice. Glad Ariel's here.
Gramma C