Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bucket Full of Fun

According to Hannah & Griff, there is nothing more fun than a Home Depot bucket filled with ice cold water out of the hose to splash around in. This little activity can keep them entertained forever, as long as I remember to refill the bucket every time it starts getting low. You can't tell from the pictures, but by the end of the play session, Griff was soaking wet, from dumping bucket after bucket of water onto himself.

So that made up our afternoon - bucket playing. We went to the little "splash pad" in the morning. Abby's really a bit too old for it, but she manages to have a good time. She had an especially good time today b/c there was another little girl there her age that she was able to play with. Next time we go, I'll grab the camera, as I have to show you what a blast Hannah has. Griff sticks pretty close to me, but Hannah is off and running. She LOVES to run through the "fountains" that splash up from the ground...she comes sputtering out the other side, sopping wet, but grinning from ear to ear. We are all looking forward to the upcoming long weekend. I'll be sure to take some pictures of the kids enjoying the parade.

That's all for now!

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