Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring is in the Air.....

......I hope! It certainly seems we are on our way to spring. We had a nice day today, so we were out and about this afternoon. I'm cautiously optimistic that Hannah and Griff will continue to do well when we are outside - they seem to understand they can't run into the street and listen to me pretty well outside. I have the stroller out in full view, letting them know that if they do run from me, they have to sit in the stroller, so perhaps that helps keep them in line! They definitely do not like being trapped in the stroller, especially when everyone else is out having fun.
Enjoy the pictures from our afternoon outside. Write more soon!

I wanted to include the below picture of Griffin playing with the Learn Through Music toy he has. It was actually Abby's when she was about his age, and he has since declared it as his, and only his. It's by far his favorite toy, and he walks around the house with it almost all day. We only have two cassett-thingys for it, one of which is Dora.....and that is the one he has latched onto. We hear "let's go on a musical adventure" in Dora's voice, over and over again, all day long. For those of you who know Dora's voice, you know how grating it is :-)

1 comment:

Gramma C said...

Guess Gramma & Grampa had to come back to Ill. for Minnesota to get nice weather. Almost looks like sunglasses with be Hannah's next look. Love to all.
Gramma C