Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter Cookies & Eggs, and Outdoor Fun

FINALLY! A day we could go outside with a light jacket and have some fun. Yesterday was beautiful, and the kids had lots of fun running around and playing with every possible outdoor toy we have. H&G are doing better and staying on "this side" of the imaginary line I've drawn on the driveway. I didn't have to chase after them into the street once. I don't understand the fascination, but they both can walk up and down the driveway, pushing whatever they can find, a million times, never losing interest. It's just back and forth, all afternoon. Abby jumped on her bike and wanted to go for a ride. I was a little nervous, as last year she had some trouble (which is why we never got her a new one last summer and she is still riding a bike WAY too small for her).....but she rode it like she'd been riding a bike forever! We will definitely have to get her a new one this spring/summer, as she had so much fun riding it.

Abby and I made some Easter cookies the other night, and we colored a few eggs. We plan to color more eggs, but want to wait until G&G Newman are here for their visit. Abby's very excited for Easter, and the Easter Bunny. She has tried on her Easter dress numerous times, and we've practiced hunting for eggs with some plastic ones we have. She also learned the Easter Story in preschool, and won't hesitate to sit you down and explain to you exactly what the meaning of Easter is :-)

Enjoy the pictures.

Oops, we cracked a couple!!!

1 comment:

Trish said...

Glad you were outside yesterday. It's snowing here today with 20 mph wind gusts. Happy first day of Spring to one and all!