Thursday, November 29, 2007

I know, it's a bit early, but Abby and I have caught the Christmas bug! The twins were giving us a good nap, so we decided to haul out the tree and the decorations. We got it
up and decorated in two hours flat. Abby hung all the "fancy" ornaments, and let me do the "plain" ones - gracious of her. I'm betting that Griff will have it tipped over within five minutes of waking up :-) Abby is now busy playing Christmas now, putting her existing toys under the tree and acting all surprised....hum, an idea is forming in my mind! The last picture is a picture of Hannah with a dog my mom sent to the kids. You press a button and it breaks into a Christmas version of "Shout". The dogs ears flap up and down and he shakes. The kids all love it, but Hannah seems to have taken to him the most!

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