Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas, Newman Style

Christmas rocked!  The kids loved their gifts from everyone and haven't stopped playing with everything.  I noticed a big difference with Abby's gifts this year....not so many toys and many more clothes, boots and accessories :-)

Abby - Zuca bag, to hold figure skates and accessories; Kindle Fire cover, furry boots and headphones
Hannah - Caroline American Girl doll, Barbie stuff, furry boots and furry slippers
Griffin - Nascar Bashers, Hot Wheels Mega Loop, Monster Truck Wii games and Micro Chargers
Chance - Rawhide bow the size of his head :-)

And we can't forget the awesome marshmellow shooters Mike made for everyone :-)  We also upgraded our Wii system to the Wii U and the kids are having a fun time playing Just Dance 4 on it.

Below are pictures from this morning. It was early, WAY early, so I consider it luck that we got any in focus :-) Oh, and some from last night before bed.

Cookies left for Santa

 Letters to Santa:
Hannah: Dear Santa, here are some cookies for you and Mrs. Claus. Here are some carrots for the reindeer. I love you Santa. Are the elves doing well? Am I on the good list? Love Hannah Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas

Griff: Dear Santa, Here are some cookies for you and here are some carrots for the reindeer. Love Griff

Abby: Dear Santa, Merry Christmas Here are some cookies and carrots. Are your favorite cookies sugar cookies? Love, Abby

 Up early, patiently waiting for me to take a picture before they plow into the gifts from Santa!
 Lots of American Girl stuff for Hannah
 ....and Abby
 Nascar Bashers

 Headphones for the Kindle
 Hannah loves Barbie

Part of Abby's Zuca Bag
 New leo for gymnastics class
 Furry boots :-)
 Wii games

 Kindle cover

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