Sunday, July 8, 2012

Paper Airplane Show Down

We had a bit of a paper airplane contest last night. Griff got a paper airplane book for his birthday last year, and we love it. It has great airplanes in it and they are super cool. They really fly well.  We've kept every one we've made over the last year; we probably have 35 of them. Last night we made some new ones, as well as got out some of the oldies but goodies from last summer. A bit of a contest ensued......not sure who won, but it was lots of fun!

Getting ready to fly.....

Watching Griff's airplane in the air

Hannah, flying one right at me :-)

Abby must have won one of the contests

Listening to instructions from Dad

Watching one of Griff's again

Hannah throwing one
 And Griff
 And Abby!

Looks like he's up to something!

And some pretty flowers in the backyard. I love summer!

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