Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Christmas Tree

Got the tree up this afternoon. The kids hung all the ornaments and did a fantastic job.  They are very proud after they are done.  I'm hoping to get the outside stuff up tomorrow.....haven't been feeling great so didn't want to spend the afternoon outside. Hopefully I'll feel more myself tomorrow and get up some lights!

Took Abby and Hannah shopping this afternoon for Christmas dresses. Hannah needed one...Abby just tagged along hoping I would get her one, too.  She knows me well :-)  Abby picked out exactly what I thought she would and what I would have picked for her. Hannah, on the other hand, has her own style.  After trying on no less than 15 dresses, she told me she didn't like any of them and was tired of me always picking out her clothes and dresses. After a bit of a stare down in the store, she finally relented and we agreed on a dress. Or at least I thought we did.....on the way home she informed me that she didn't like the dress at all and pouted the ride home.  All that changed though when she tried it on for Dad and he loved it. Suddenly it was the best dress ever :-)  You can be the judge when you see pictures from the Advent Program this coming Thursday. was early and we were all in our pjs :-)  And you can see some of Hannah's style...she is wearing a Snow White apron over her pjs....just cuz :-)

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