Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Christmas Tree

Got the tree up this afternoon. The kids hung all the ornaments and did a fantastic job.  They are very proud after they are done.  I'm hoping to get the outside stuff up tomorrow.....haven't been feeling great so didn't want to spend the afternoon outside. Hopefully I'll feel more myself tomorrow and get up some lights!

Took Abby and Hannah shopping this afternoon for Christmas dresses. Hannah needed one...Abby just tagged along hoping I would get her one, too.  She knows me well :-)  Abby picked out exactly what I thought she would and what I would have picked for her. Hannah, on the other hand, has her own style.  After trying on no less than 15 dresses, she told me she didn't like any of them and was tired of me always picking out her clothes and dresses. After a bit of a stare down in the store, she finally relented and we agreed on a dress. Or at least I thought we did.....on the way home she informed me that she didn't like the dress at all and pouted the ride home.  All that changed though when she tried it on for Dad and he loved it. Suddenly it was the best dress ever :-)  You can be the judge when you see pictures from the Advent Program this coming Thursday. was early and we were all in our pjs :-)  And you can see some of Hannah's style...she is wearing a Snow White apron over her pjs....just cuz :-)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving ... And Special Friends Day at School

Just returned from a great Thanksgiving visit with the Newman family in Illinois.  We made the obligatory stop at the Dells on the way there and had a fun night at our favorite water park.  We then spent a few days at Uncle Tim's, messing up his house and eating all his food :-)  We again took the kids on a train ride...they think the Metra is about the coolest thing ever.  I guess it might be if you are under 10...not so much if you are riding it twice a day, everyday, for an hour going to and from work.  Brought back some memories....We only took it to Arlington Heights. I had a momentary thought that it would be fun to take everyone downtown for the day, but then after really thinking about it....the walking, the crowds, the whining, I thought better of it. Lunch in AH with some yummy ice cream for dessert was just what the kids  ordered.

Fun week with everyone, sad to say good-bye. Now I guess it's time for the Christmas madness to begin!!

Afternoon in Arlington Heights. Weather was perfect...a balmy 57 degrees!

Family picture with the Newmans.

And I keep forgetting to post about Grandparents / Special Friends Day at the kids' school.  It was a couple of weeks ago and Aunt Nancy and Uncle Don were kind enough to attend the event with the kids.  The kiddos got to introduce them to their teachers and give them a quick tour of the school after Mass.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The White Stuff

I know we should consider ourselves lucky that it didn't snow until Nov 19.....and I do. I still didn't like seeing the white stuff whipping around yesterday. And it's still on the ground this morning, so I think it's here to stay.  The kids, of course, we beyond excited. After a busy morning at the ice rink (figure skating and hockey), everyone quickly got dressed for snow and headed out.  I would not go out, so all the pictures are through the kitchen window. So not ready for this. Now I'm wishing I booked that January beach vacation......I think there is still time :-)

Oh, and it was Chance's birthday yesterday. 1 year old and over a 100 pounds. Big guy. And he LOVES the snow. Kept trying to eat it as it fell and the "snow balls" the kids were throwing to him.

(those are snow angels on the patio....the girls had to improvise since there wasn't enough know on the grass!)

Friday, November 11, 2011

For You, Mom

This is for you Mom.....the mudroom is finished and we love it!  All of us, including the dog, can now fit in there and there is plenty of storage in our bench!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Slumber Party