Saturday, October 29, 2011

SpOoKy FuN!

This afternoon I took the kids to a Halloween trail walk at the Arboretum for a little trick or treating fun.  It was really fun and we spent a couple of hours there walking the trails, getting lots of candy, seeing scary costumes, walking in a "haunted maze" and decorating apples.  We again had super weather and hope that it holds for a couple of days so we can enjoy Halloween on Monday.

We parked in the back parking lot so we had to walk through the "forest" to get to the was actually really fun and the kids liked playing that they were lost in the wilderness!

All the people taking part in the fun afternoon.
Getting some candy :-)
Abby running from a scary monster that jumped out at her as she was walking through a tunnel made of trees.
Abby and Hannah in a "fairy house". There was a lady dressed as a fairy playing a flute inviting kids into her fairy house. The girls loved it.

Abby having her fortune told by a psychic.
The start of the scary maze.
Hannah acting like the cheetah she is :-)
All finished walking the trails and getting candy. Heading up to the main building to decorate apples.......
....our finished apples!

After we finished at the Arboretum we went to downtown Victoria for a little Halloween event and got even more candy. Fun afternoon with the kiddos!

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