Saturday, September 17, 2011


Griff had hockey today and the whole fam was there to watch him.  He had much more fun this time and I actually saw a few smiles during practice.  His favorite part is shooting the puck into the goal...he does it over and over again!  Enjoy the pictures (and all the pictures are taken through the glass so you might see some imperfections :-)

All the kids before practice starts. Listening to the coaches to find out what they are doing.

Griff - he's in the white jersey with the white helmet and black skates......
 Smiling at Mike after making a goal.
 Mike telling him good job and going in for a fist bump :-)

In the thick of it with the other kids.  If you see pink laces on the skates it means the player is a girl :-)  (and ignore Abby's head...she got right in my picture :-)
 Shooting the puck into the net.

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