Sunday, July 24, 2011

Updates and Some Pictures

Time for another kid update. Abby is helping me with this one.......

* Just finished a two day safety camp with her good friend that was put on by the local police department. She loved it. Now all she talks about is our escape plan if there is ever a fire in our house. And do we have a "go kit" in case we ever need to evacuate for a few days.
* Is officially a cool kid with feather extensions in her hair.
* Still writing lots of plays which require family participation.  Hannah is usually up for it, but Griff is tiring of playing the prince or dragon :-)
* Wrote & illustrated a story for Hannah for her birthday.  She can't wait to give it to her.
* Katy Perry, Pink and Bruno Mars are her favorite singers right now. Unfortunately I can't let her buy any of the CDs b/c they all have explicit lyrics stickers on them.....then I had to explain what that meant :-)
* Will not take off the swim flippers at the beach - she swims back and forth....over and over the 6 foot buoy kickin' her little flipper feet the whole way. She loves how fast they make her!
* LOVES America's Got Talent

* Talks about above mentioned feather extensions every day. So sad she is not part of the in crowd.
* Loves Chance.  A lot.
* Loves Cheetahs. Pretends she is one.  A lot.  A bit worried :-)
* Has a bit of a crush on our new neighbor.  But still says she wants to marry Griffin and live with us forever.
* Has an excellent front crawl and backstroke.
* Will say something she thinks is funny and look at you and say, "do I crack you up?"
* Knows the words to almost every current song on the radio and sings them loudly in the car. Especially loves Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5, but we have to be a bit creative with the words b/c they are not so appropriate for an almost 5 year old.
* LOVES America's Got Talent

* Angry Birds. All he is interested in. Walks around with the iPad 24/7.  Even knows how to check YouTube to find videos on how to best get those birds. This is so over my head I can't even pretend to understand the fascination....but he and Mike have bonded over this game!
* Loves to be flipped at the beach by Dad. I apparently am not able to toss him high enough.
* Loves the water and the beach.  Can do 3 somersaults in a row without coming up for air!
* If he can't play on the iPad he likes to play Wii with Mike. He's pretty good at baseball and golf.....he's a lefty at both.
* Could survive on raisin toast :-)
* He loves Moves Like Jagger, too.....and will break into song almost anywhere.
* LOVES America's Got Talent

Some random pictures....

Playing Wii.....We've had to ban Chance from the basement when the kids are playing because he "chases" the "balls" and tries to "catch" them.  You should see him run back and forth and try to find the ball after it's hit.  When he jumped up to catch the ball and came this close to Mike's tv that was it.....he's upstairs when they are playing.

An afternoon at the park. Neither one was interested in pictures.

Ice cream pizza. Griff asked to make them after seeing them on Team Umi Zumi (cartoon).  We had everything on hand...cookies, ice cream, I said of course.  They were very good!  Griff put mini m&ms on his; Hannah put nerds on hers.

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