Saturday, March 19, 2011

Signs of Spring

Ah, warmer weather. You know what that means......bikes, bubbles, chalk, rain boots, and lots of smiles and laughter. Felt good to be out today, even if you could still feel the chill in the air. The chill didn't seem to bother anyone in the neighborhood, as everyone was out. We saw neighbors we hadn't seen all winter ;-)   H&G were having a good time playing with each other, and Abby spent the entire afternoon at the end of the cul-de-sac playing kickball with all the neighborhood kids.  Yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel!

Griff trying to shovel snow into the new neighbor's yard :-)

 Hannah's flower

 "this is a monkey and these are his ears"
 Hannah adding a picture of me to her flower....
 ...she added a dog, too, but I don't have that picture. She is quite the little artist. Loves to draw and color.  She really takes her time and stays within all the lines.
 All the chalk artwork
And since I didn't have any pictures of Abby outside, here she is after coming in from a long afternoon of kickball. She got into her favorite chair and picked up a book.

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