Friday, June 18, 2010

Hannah's Room

Hannah has kind of gotten the short end of the stick when it comes to her bedroom. It is by the far the smallest, and her closet is just awful (in other words, unbelievably small).  I had had enough of the thousands of books scattered all over her floor and clothes thrown all over her closet floor because there was no room to hang anything. So.....enter Mike and his tools :-)

I gave him a picture of some wall bookcases and asked him if he could build them for less than $20.....he came through, and well under budget at $9.00 (love the scrap wood pile at Home Depot).  After a bit of paint, he put them up and I couldn't love them more. Hannah likes them, too.

He also installed additional hanging racks in her closet, and took off her closet door. Completely opened it up and almost doubled the space in there. I didn't like having just an open closet, so I reused a piece of wood I had, painted it, and hung some girly fabric from it....Tada and Hannah loves her princess closet.

and the "extra" chandy from our basement project....found a great home in Hannah's bedroom :-)

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