Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

(there are a couple of new posts below if you haven't already seen pictures from Christmas Eve)

We had a lovely Christmas Day. Abby got us up at precisely 6am, which was the earliest we told her she could come into our room to get us. She wondered to the side of my bed at 5:59am and quickly told me her clock said it was 6! Apparently she had been up since 5 reading :-)

Of course Hannah and Griff were in a sleeping mood and couldn't be bothered to wake up. We let Abby open her stocking gifts and one other one (Moxy Doll - thanks G&G Meiers!) before waking H&G up at 7am.

There were lots of giggles of delight when opening gifts, and everyone was super excited with all they received. Santa came through and got Hannah the "black" horse she had been talking about for weeks; Abby got her Fur-Real Cat; and Griff got (one of many!) a remote control tractor.

Thank you all for the wonderful gifts. We are extremely blessed to have so many people who care about and remember us during the Christmas season. We hope your Christmas was as wonderful as ours.

Enjoy the pictures!

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