Monday, October 26, 2009

Models Needed

The three monkeys are officially done with any modeling they were doing for me and my class.  They just about run from me when they see I have the camera in my hands!  Abby was able to spare 5 minutes for me today after school; not surprisingly, I was not able to get a picture for class, but thought I would post a couple anyway.  

Griff and Hannah spent most of the day doing their new favorite activity: washing Griff's cars in the sink in the bathroom, over and over again.  They take turns, one washing, one drying, and then they switch.  The activity came about by accident: Griff was finished with his pasta dinner the other night and picked up a couple of cars to play with while the rest of us finished. He then decided that the left-over parma-cheese on his plate would make good "snow" for the cars to "drive" through. washing the cheese off the cars, a new favorite activity was born :-)

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