Miss Abby has a "severe peanut allergy", to quote her pediatrician. So....no more peanuts in the Newman house (or peanut butter - wawawa), and no more cajoling her to try just a bite. Do you know how horrible I feel? How could it take me 6 years before asking the doctor about her "intolerance" to peanut butter?
Abby had her 6 year check up the other day - she's perfect in all other respects (!) - and we were talking about her seasonal allergies. We've never had her tested, but it is obvious she has allergies. Her doctor recommended a blood test so we could get a definitive answer on her allergies, and I thought that sounded like a good idea. As I was walking out of the exam room, I said, as an after-thought, "you know, she really doesn't seem to tolerate peanut butter. Do you think we should test for an allergy?" Dr. said sure, but I'm sure she's fine if she hasn't exhibited any symptoms or signs.
Ha. Not fine. Severe allergy. Turns out vomiting is a sign, as is her constant "get it away from me" reaction. So now we know, and we also now carry around an EpiPen. We also know she is allergic to: Oak, Maple, Cottonwood, Grass, Thistle, Ragweed and Dust and Dust Mites (lovely). Yes, Hannah and Griff will be tested when they go in next week for their 3 year check-up. However, given they LOVE apples and peanut butter, it's doubtful they have a peanut allergy....I am betting they have some seasonal ones, though.
It's never a dull moment around here!
1 comment:
Sorry to hear about Abby's allergies!
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