Saturday, May 23, 2009


Hannah and Griffin are officially obsessed with caterpillars.  We see those tiny, furry, black and red ones everywhere, and each time, they need to stop what they are doing, get thisclose to them, and ask the little guys how they are doing.  Very cute.

I also just finished redoing a little bench I got at a garage sale for a quarter.  I originally was going to put it in Hannah's room, but Abby asked for it, and since it was only a quarter (!), I told her she could have it. She wanted it turned into a bed for one of her stuffed animals ; I told her she can use it as a bed for now, but when I find her a desk, it's going to turn into her desk bench/chair.  

BEFORE (and this is actually after I sanded was much worse prior to sanding!)

AFTER - cute little desk bench/chair....or bed for Barker!

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