Saturday, February 7, 2009

Fun at the Funny Farm

A few pictures from the last couple of days for your enjoyment:

1. Griff playing with Hannah's Baby Alive, AFTER somehow getting himself into a play wooden cradle that Abby uses for her American Girl Doll. I was making everyone breakfast one morning and went to the family room to get everyone as it was time to eat, and found him happy as a clam sitting in the cradle, playing with naked Baby Alive.....
2. Hannah and Griff painting while the oven repair man was here replacing the heating element on our upper oven. Mike and I have terrible luck with appliances. 3. Hannah & Griff playing cars NICELY this morning (Saturday). Not one scream for an entire 20 minutes. Unbelievable. 4. The kids riding Mike like a horse this morning (Saturday). I was upstairs getting ready, and as I was coming down the stairs I heard, "okay, now hang on, and Abby, don't let Hannah & Griff fall off. Now this is the hard part, I'm going to get into horse position....". I wasn't sure what I was going to see when I got all the way down, but I have to tell you, all three on Mike's back wasn't it.
5. And finally, a picture of Abby just because :-)

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