Saturday, December 13, 2008

Snowman & Snowball

We were outside this afternoon, taking advantage of the 30 degree temperatures before the cold comes later this week. The high temps gave us perfect packing snow, so Mike built a snowman for the kids. There was lots of snow throwing, running and giggling going on, and everyone was sufficiently wiped out by dinner time, including Kona.

Tomorrow is Abby's ornament decorating party. I'll try to take some pictures when I'm not walking around with my glue gun, trying to put together little angle ornaments :-)

(try to ignore Hannah's black marker streak across her face -she was busy coloring before we went out :-)
(this one is blurry, as she was coming right at me when I was trying to take her picture! In an effort to save the camera, I ran and snapped at that same time!)

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