Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fun Playdate

Abby had a friend from school over today for a playdate. Breeyen and Abby had a great time playing together all afternoon. She is a really sweet girl, and I'm not surprised Abby likes her. According to Abby, they play together everyday at school, and they are each other's best friends. I'm SO glad that Abby is making friends quickly at school and we don't seem to have any of the issues we had when she started preschool last year. She really is loving school, and talks about everything she is learning and doing. She is participating in class and answering questions (so she says), and she brings a TON of stuff home in her Friday Folder. So far so good!

Enjoy the pictures from today.....
Abby and Bree decorating cookies. Bree isn't that much shorter than Abby, she is just on a shorter stool!

Finished cookies, and the princesses and fairies they made and decorated earlier in the afternoon.

Bree so wanted to "hold" Hannah and Griff, and she asked me to take their picture....surprisingly Abby agreed (!)

And Hannah & Griff this morning before dropping Abby off for school.

1 comment:

Gramma C said...

Love the smile on Hannah the "movie star".