Taken this morning, on the way to drop Abby off at school. They all just looked so darn cute, I couldn't resist taking a picture!
Thought I would give a brief update on all the kids, for your reading enjoyment :-)
* Is LOVING Kingergarden. Has made a couple of friends and has already asked if they can come over for playdates. She tells me repeatedly that she "can't believe how lucky she is that she gets to go to school every day to see her friends and teacher." Let's hope she keeps the enthusiasm!
* Started ballet on Monday, and said she liked it. She didn't want to do gymnastics this year, but wanted to try ballet. We'll see if she continues to like it.
* Loves the new Barbie movie, The Diamond Castle. She sings the song from it continuously ... from the moment she wakes until she goes to bed.
* Has a new favorite word: NO! or No No No or Nooooooo. She can't get enough if it.
* Gets great joy from taking things she knows Griff loves. His cars, his blanket, his paci, and then running around the house with it, playing keep away from him. She usually gets the reaction she wants, which is Griff crying at the top of his lungs.
* Word to describe Hannah lately: Fiesty.
* Still is not sleeping through the night (going on 2 months now...yikes), but is at least only waking up 2 times a night, and crying for 5 minutes or so. We're making progress, but it's s.l.ow.
* Loves apples, and will eat the entire thing.....core, seeds, everything. Strange, but true.
* Loves the car cartoon on TLC - not sure of the name. He asks for it the minute he wakes up in the morning. Then smiles the entire time it's on.
* Loves to cuddle with me at night. He crawls up in my lap for book reading, and would probably sleep there if I let him :-)
* Likes to take walks outside, pushing his huge dump truck the entire way, collecting leaves as he goes.
* Eats more fruit than anyone I know, and LOVES pork tenderloin!