Friday, June 20, 2008

Summer ROCKS

As Abby would say, summer ROCKS. We've had terrific weather all week, and we've been busy doing fun things outside: exploring new parks, picnics outside, riding bikes, swimming in the pool, getting out the slip n slide and the sprinklers, and basically just having good honest summer fun. Below are some pictures from yesterday's picnic in the backyard and today's sprinkler fun. Enjoy! And how cute are their bums?

PS - apparently Dora Rocks, too. The other day I was cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast, and I noticed it was unusally quiet. Anyone with kids knows this can only mean something BAD is happening. I walked to the family room, and couldn't believe my eyes.....H&G laying down on the floor watching Dora. I tip-toed away, finished cleaning the kitchen, grabbed an extra cup of coffee and enjoyed the silence :-)

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