Thursday, September 20, 2007

That Didn't Take Long

One day of school, that's all it took. Has to be a record. First day of school was last Wednesday. By Saturday, Abby was sniffling and walking around here clutching her box of Kleenex. Sunday night she was up all night coughing (which means, of course, Mike and I were up all night, trying not to lose our patience with our patient :-) We kept her home on Monday, and she was good as new on Tuesday. Abby promptly gave the cold to Hannah, who, because she can't walk around clutching a box of Kleenex, has snot running down her face all the time. She is getting very good at the "back of the hand" wipe. I'm just waiting for Griff to catch this...wait, is that a sneeze from him now????

I'm sure Abby picked up some other illness yesterday at school - I can see the vicious circle starting already: Abby goes to school ---> picks up some type of cold --> brings it home --> gives the cold to Hannah --> who gives the cold to Griff --> Abby goes back to school --> picks up a cold......... It's going to be a long fall and winter around here!

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