Sunday, August 12, 2007


Friday night we had some pretty servere weather. Both Mike and I woke up around 2:30am to the sound thunder, lightening, rain, and really strong winds. It was so loud we both thought it was best to wake everyone up (did we really do that????) and bring them into the basement. We stayed down there until it passed, about a half hour. We woke to many downed trees, ours and all over the neighborhood. The flowers I had in pots in front of the house were blown out of the pots, and the pots were in the back yard. Luckily, we lost only one tree in the backyard. Two of our neightbors lost very old, very large trees. We did lose many trees past our lot line, close to the lake. Some pictures are below. They say it wasn't a tornado, but Mike and I are not convinced.

And the worst part, we are STILL without tv.....apparently the wind moved our dish a bit, and now we are not receiving any satellite signal. Our friends at Direct TV tell us someone will be out on August 20th (are you kidding??) to hopefully fix the problem. I have a feeling our friends from the cable company will be here first :-)

1 comment:

Gramma C said...

Taht really looked scary. I can't believe just wind did that. No movies till the 20th???? Not likely.
Gramma C