Monday, July 23, 2007

Lucky Kona

One of Abby's jobs around the house is to feed Kona. She knows he gets a cup and a half of food in the morning and at night, and she is very good and scooping out just the right amount. As I was making dinner, Mike was answering the phone, and H&G were throwing blocks at each other, Abby went into the mud room to feed Kona. She comes back out singing "lucky Kona, lucky Kona, lucky Kona", over and over again. She said it probably ten times before it registered with me that I should probably ask WHY she is singing "lucky Kona" over and over. She smiled at me and said matter-a-factly, "I gave him THREE scoops today, mama". As I am stumbling over H&G to get to Kona's bowl, I'm yelling to Mike to hang up and get Kona. Thankfully, Mike heard Abby's explanation and picked up his bowl in the nick of time.

Yes, Kona was almost a lucky dog!

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