Thursday, January 27, 2011


I know, two posts in one day. I hadn't taken pictures of Abby at karate for some time, so thought I would today.  She's doing great and having a fun time with it. Enjoy the pictures below.

Practicing her snap kick.....
 More snap kicks, down and back....down and back....down and back!
Standing around with the boys in her class, all of whom are a bit out of control....probably why they are there in the first place.
 Practicing blocks with her teacher.
 Punching the of her favorite things to do.
Kicking the pads.....THIS is her favorite thing to do!
 And she kicks hard!

We are Still Here

We're still here. Not much to post about.  It is getting warmer, so hopefully we'll be out and about soon.  Today Hannah, Griff and I made Valentine's Day cupcakes. They are having a friend over tomorrow to play and we wanted to have some yummy treats.  They did a great job with the sprinkles....Abby has taught them well :-)  Oh, and I did dress them today.  After getting home from our errands, they decided they were going to a Ball...Hannah is in one of her "gowns" and Griffy is wearing pjs, which as you know is the in thing to wear to a Ball :-)  We are off to pick up Abby from school and then to karate.  BYE for now.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

More Snow

It's pretty, but we really don't need any more of it. Hopefully it will stop soon.

 Busy coloring pictures for Grandma, Grandpa & Gus (mailed them today!). Not much going on today. Playdate for H&G later this afternoon, and then Abby is off to karate.  Looking forward to a long weekend - everyone is off Monday due to MLK Day. Might have to plan something fun to do on Monday.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

I Got Nothin'

It's cold. We have lots of snow.  Everyone is back at school and the various activities.  I got nothin' new.

This is what happens to your family room by 9am when it's 4 degrees outside:

Lots of American Girl and train will look like this until bedtime.

Hannah and Abby watching the Wizard of Oz. Hannah asked if she could pretend to be Dorothy. I said of course. She then informed me I was the witch.

Mike and Griff were trying to keep warm in the 4 degree weather by shoveling off the pond. I'm not sure who they think is going to be out there skating in this weather, but it's all ready to go now.