Enjoy the pictures.....I must go and finish preparations for her Harry Potter birthday party tomorrow afternoon.......22 kids running around here tomorrow, casting spells and concocting potions. It's going to be a crazy afternoon! I'll try to get some pictures, but it might be tough!
All the girls at camp, walking/running to closing ceremony
All the girls in Abby' troupe had this silly hair on their last day...one of the older girls did it for them all

And look what has made it's home in one of our apple trees in the front yard:
A big old hornet's nest. This picture doesn't give you an accurate picture of just how big this thing is. There are so many hornets buzzing around it, you can't get close to it, but you can tell from the picture how cool it looks.....it's all woven in this intricate pattern. The professionals are coming by Monday to get rid of it.
Quick kid update:
* It's birthday talk around here, all day every day. Abby can't wait for her party tomorrow and then her birthday next week. H&G keep asking if they are going to be 4, and then when are they going to be 7.
* Mike "invented" the QUIET GAME at the beginning of summer. We usually play it at dinner or in the car.....and you guessed it, the person who is quietest the longest wins. And of course, Hannah, being the most competitive of the bunch, has NEVER lost a game. For being such a loud child ordinarily, it's quite comical to watch her sit there and not say a word for minutes on end. She is so excited when she wins. She also likes to be the judge....she'll announce out of the blue, "I'm the judge, it's the quiet game, GO!" Then she loves to tell you you are disqualified when you cough or giggle.
* Griff loves to run up to you, squeeze you, and say, "I love you so much I'm squeeeeeezzzzzing you!"
* Kickball and baseball are huge in our house right now. We play almost nightly after dinner.
* Griff is OBSESSED with "Merriest Funniest Videos" (otherwise known as America's Funniest Home Videos). It's the first thing he turns on in the morning, and the last thing he watches at night. We have a ba-zillion of them saved on our DVR. And seriously, they are funny even the 1000 time you've seen them!
Hannah negotiates EVERYTHING. I tell her we need to leave the park in 5 minutes, she'll look at me and say, "how about 10?". I tell her to eat 3 more pieces of meat, and she'll say, "how about 2?" I tell her it's mac -n- cheese for lunch, and she'll say, "how about pizza, too?". It's never "ok Mom" or quiet acceptance.....always a bit of a fight with her :-)