Hannah and Griff have been sick most of the week. Abby came home from school early last Friday with a bit of a fever and a cough. She was better by Sunday, but by then both H&G had caught whatever she had. They seem to have it a bit worse, as they are still coughing away and have a continuous low-grade fever. By coincidence, we were at the doctor's office on Tues for everyone's h1n1 booster (which H&G couldn't get due to their fevers) - they said it's just a virus and the cough may last for 10 or so days. I'm hoping not, b/c not only does it keep them up all night long, but Mike and me, too! Anyway, we've been doing lots of lying on the couch and not much else. Perhaps today I'll be able to get them out of the house for a bit - I think we are all getting a little stir crazy!
On another note, I recently finished a desk for our family room. I had moved one of our office desks there for our MAC, but it was a bit too big so I had been on the look out for something to paint. I like the way it turned out. Now I'm on the look out for a chair to go with it! I'll be scurrying Craigslist til I find one!