Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Odds and Ends

Some pictures from the last few days.

Abby ice skating, and Griff and Hannah causing trouble as we wait for Abby to finish her lesson (someone pointed out to me that Griff has hockey hair...never occured to me, but now that I see this picture, he does. Perhaps a haircut is in order.....or hockey lessons!).

Enjoy, and more to come!

Random pictures of the kids taken over the weekend. Was desperately trying to get Abby to be my model for my photo assignment, but she was having nothing to do with it. Hannah finally agreed to step in, but only if I promised her a sucker :-)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We are Still Here

Sorry for the long absence and lack of photos lately. I've actually been taking a ton of pictures of the kids (mostly Hannah and Griff since Abby's in school all day) for a photography class I am taking.  I just haven't had time to post them to the blog.  So.....I'm finally getting around to posting some tonight! 

All is good here.  Abby has fully adjusted to school, and besides being a bit tired by the end of the week, she is loving every minute of it.  Hannah started ballet the other week and can't get enough of it. She's gone twice, and both times she just about runs into the classroom and doesn't look back, she is so excited!  She loves to show us what she has learned. Griff is still a bit confused as to why he's not taking it with her.  I think it's weird for him to be away from her (but Miss Independent doesn't seem to mind being away from him!).  They both start Karate next week, so that will be interesting! Abby has started ice skating lessons and really enjoys them.  I see figure skating lessons in her near future.  I picked up skates for H&G today b/c once they saw Abby out there skating, they wanted to join in.

Enjoy the pictures!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Double Trouble

Taken tonight after dinner.  Abby stayed inside, b/c as she told me, "I haven't been able to do anything I've wanted to do all day, and I want to stay in." She had a point, and I also think she was very tired from a long first week of school. Griff got up on his bike (yes, he still prefers the pink bike over the blue one) all by himself and was rather proud of himself.  After taking the picture, I made him get down and promise not to do it again!

Dear Cranky Old Guy at the Library,

You're joking, right?  You can't have been serious when you so rudely interrupted my delightful morning at the PUBLIC library with my two precious, and on this occasion, well-behaved three year olds twins.  I needed just two minutes, as you heard me explain to my wee-ones, to quickly find a magazine I was looking for (mama just needed a bit of home decorating eye candy to get me through the weekend), and then we would be on our way.  You also heard me ask them to please sit on the couch and to read quietly the new books they just checked out.  To my delight, they did just that.....sat right down and began reading quietly. They are three, you see, and they don't understand how to read to completely to themselves, so they instead read out loud, in their very cute three year old little voices.  I smiled to myself as I began to walk two aisles over to search for a magazine, enjoying hearing their little voices.   Then you had to go and ruin a perfectly good morning.  

Yes, I understand completely this is a library, and I get that it is supposed to be relatively quiet; but last I checked, people are allowed to speak out loud in a public library, and WOW, children are even welcomed in the library.  And yes, I get that you were "studying", but really? Their little voices were that disruptive to you? Gosh, I'd hate to see your reaction to them when they throw a bit of a tantrum, but I digress....And really, what was I supposed to do, leave them in the kids section by themselves, which is WAY OVER THERE, while I looked for what I needed WAY OVER HERE?  

And so, cranky old guy, I will pick up my very well behaved three year old twins and leave you to your peace and quiet (without my magazines, thank you very much).  And I will explain to my little boy, who so innocently told me that he would be quiet after I told him we had to leave, that he was being quiet and good and that we weren't leaving because he was being too loud. And I will also teach both my children that sometimes it's better to hold your tongue than to say what is really on your mind, cranky old guy.  And I will also teach them that sometimes it's nice to give someone a break, a little sympathy, and give a mom two minutes so she can find a magazine.  And lastly, this was a reminder to teach them to always treat others with kindness and respect, whoever they are, even three year olds who are trying their darnest to listen to their mom and be quiet and good in the library. I guess I should thank you for this opportunity to remind myself and my children of these important lessons, especially on today, September 11.

Have a nice day, cranky old guy. I hope you trip and drop all your books as you leave the public library.

Much Warmth,
Proud Mama to two very well behaved three year old twins (whew, I feel a bit better now)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School

...sniff...sniff....dropped Abby off for her first full day of school today.  She was thrilled to be back at school and with her friends. I'm sure she'll have lots to tell me when I go to pick her up later this afternoon.  It will be strangely quiet here when the babes are napping and she isn't here....what to do...what to do!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

End of Summer Fun

Mike and I took the kids to one of their favorite parks today for a little bit of fun and a picnic lunch.  They all had a blast and it was a good way to officially end summer.  I don't have many pictures of Abby b/c she was playing with some friends she just met at the park, and I didn't want to take their pictures (stalker mom!). 

Abby starts 1st grade tomorrow. She is super crazy excited.  Me, not so much!  It's going to be very very strange not to have her around in the afternoon.  I'll get the required first day of school picture and post it for you all to see!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Last Lazy Days of Summer....

Some late summer fun with Hannah and Griff; Abby wasn't interested in playing with us :-)

And a little birthday celebration for Dad....he shared opening his presents and blowing out the candles with the kids. They needed to have a part!