Saturday, January 31, 2009


41 degrees today - FINALLY! Everyone was thrilled to get outside this afternoon and get some fresh air, including Mike and myself. Enjoy the pictures below....grouped them by kid, but they are in no particular order. Oh, and be sure to notice the chocolate frosting all over Abby's face. It's left-over from the chocolate long-john donut she had while grocery shopping with me at Target :-)

Friday, January 30, 2009

Wacky Friday

Like we need any more wackiness in this house! Today was Wacky Friday at Abby's school, and she had lots of fun putting together her wacky outfit. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hugs and Love and a Birthday Song

Abby wrote me a birthday song this afternoon, "Happy Birthday to Mommy". The words are, "it's 10 more days until Mommy's birthday; it's 9 more days until Mommy's birthday", etc. She sang it for me after she wrote it, and then promply ran up the stairs to put it under her bed, where she is hiding all the gifts she has made me for my birthday next month. If you look closely at the first picture, you can see her creative spelling :-) She did it all on her own, so I wasn't about to correct any of it.
Hannah and Griff were in a huggy mood after dinner tonight, and I was able to catch a few with the camera.

A Room Full of Sunshine

The Kindergarten class was supposed to wear yellow today. When I picked Abby up, I asked her if everyone in her class was dressed in yellow. She said "Yes, it was a like a room full of sunshine". She's so sweet. Yesterday she came home with a "Happy Gram" from her teacher, Mrs. Thomas. She apparently answered a question during Mass yesterday, however when Mike and I asked her what the question was, or what her answer was, she couldn't remember :-) Later last night she said her answer had something to do with treating people with kindness, but that was all she could remember. Mike and I were just proud of her that she felt comfortable enough to speak up in front of everyone at Mass.
Lastly, Abby's latest obsession are the Narnia books. As many of you know, when she takes a hold of one book or movie, it gets to be all consuming for her. She wants to talk about the story, read the book, act it out, draw it out, write it out, etc etc etc. (remember her obsession with The Wizard of Oz? Chicken Little? Howl's Moving Castle? Charlotte's Web?) She typically identifies with one of the characters, in this case it's Lucy, and makes you play all the other parts. I've been reading the books to her any spare minute during the day, and poor Mike's been acting out the movies every night while I put the twins to bed. She can't get enough of the stories....there are seven books in the series, and we are only on book four, so this could go on awhile!

And below is the trouble Hannah and Griff can get into when I'm trying to have a phone conversation. They took an entire box of fish crackers and dumped them in the tub. They then proceeded to turn on the water, take off their shoes and socks, and pile in all the washclothes and bath toys they could find, presumably to take a fish bath. Their little feet were caked with wet, mushy fish when I picked them up out of the tub. They were quite proud of the little mess they made for me this morning :-)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Calling Nurse Abby.....

Abby wore her scrubs to school today, turning into Nurse Abby for the morning. She added her pager and stethoscope for good measure! She's having a lot of fun playing dress-up this week at school.

This afternoon we made a valentine's day inspired "dishcloth apron". We had some iron-on transfers that she placed on the apron (that I SEWED...okay, it didn't require much sewing, but I did have to sew some of it!) and I ironed them on for her. I think it turned out really cute. We had some extra iron-ons, so Abby grabbed one of her old t-shirts and decorated it, too. She was very proud of both of her creations and couldn't wait to show them to Mike when we he got home.

Lastly, I apologize for the quality of the pictures.....I find it so hard to take good pictures inside. I can't wait until we can get back outside and get some good ones again!

Monday, January 26, 2009

It's Catholic Schools Week this week, and to be honest, I really have no idea what that means, other than Abby gets to play dress up most this week. Today was pajama day; tomorrow is dress like a community server day; Wed is normal uniform day; Thursday is bright yellow day; and Friday is WACKY day. I'll try to get pictures every day so you can see her dressed up.
Nothing else is new here....still holed up most of the day, as it's very cold. It's supposed to break later this week, so perhaps we'll get outside a bit.

Below are the pictures from this morning. Couldn't get a good one of Griff to save my life....

Oh, and this is from the other day. We rented a new Barney video from the library on Friday and Hannah and Griff LOVED it. They got comfy on all the couch cushions with their blankets and watched it a couple of times in a row.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Little of This and That

I lied when I said I didn't have pictures from our waterpark excursion.....I do, they just aren't that great. But, a couple of them are funny, so.....below are waterpark pictures. Ready for bed:

Hannah, the next morning, trying on my boots:
This morning Hannah & Griffin were playing shoe dress-up before taking Abby to school. Griff LOVES Abby's old "ruby reds" as we call them. I had a hard time getting them off his feet before climbing into the car. I'll let him run around the house in them, but not in public!

Abby and I baked some Valentine's cookies this afternoon. She is getting quite good with the sprinkles, hardly any ended up on the floor this time :-)

That's all for now....more pics later, promise!