Abby was busy today putting together Valentine Day goodie bags for her friends in the neighborhood (yes, a bit early, but she couldn't wait once she saw the chocolate!). You gotta love the Dollar Store....walked out of there with a ton of loot for under 20 bucks! She wanted to deliver them today, but I think I've convinced her to wait until at least February first!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Smooches from Hannah
The kid is a hoot.....
I asked Griff to give me a kiss, and he gave me a look like, "just give me my cheerios, lady"
Thursday, January 24, 2008
We're Back!
Ah, it feels good to be back! Our pc had a bit of a virus, and was out of commission for a few days. But the nice men at The Geek Squad fix 'er all up, and we're good as new (fingers crossed!). Pictures from the last couple of days below. I can't wait for some nicer weather so I can get some pictures of the kids outside....I'm tired of all these inside shots!

Daddy, are you finished working yet? Come out and play.....
Daddy, are you finished working yet? Come out and play.....
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Little Hannah
Ok, I felt bad I didn't have any cute pictures of Hannah to post, today I snapped a few of her, and I feel better! She likes to pose for the camera. I ask her to sit, she sits and smiles. I ask her to stand, she's up and smiling!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Pictures! Finally!
Ok, finally some pictures. I'm still figuring out the camera, taking lots of pictures of the kids. Not all of them are turning out, but I'm very pleased with the ones that haved turned out! I'm having fun snapping away, although I think Abby is sick of me constantly having a camera in her face! I don't have as many pictures of Hannah....not sure why. The ones I do have are of her right when she woke from a nap the other day, so they are not that great.
Everything else is fine here. Hannah and Griff are trying very hard to talk. They repeat just about anything you ask them to, and they understand everything you say to them. They don't always listen, but they understand!
Abby is enjoying school, and has been playing with the girls in the neighborhood. We've been trying to set up some playdates with a couple of girls in school, but it's been hard with everyone's schedule. I'm going to keep trying, as she really wants a couple of the girls to come over.
Our pc has been acting up for the last month or so. I'm this close to calling the geek squad to have them come over and do their magic. I'm afraid it's going to crash one of these days and we'll lose everything. So....if I'm of-line for a few days, you'll know why - we've either crashed or I finally called in the professionals!
Enjoy the pics!

Everything else is fine here. Hannah and Griff are trying very hard to talk. They repeat just about anything you ask them to, and they understand everything you say to them. They don't always listen, but they understand!
Abby is enjoying school, and has been playing with the girls in the neighborhood. We've been trying to set up some playdates with a couple of girls in school, but it's been hard with everyone's schedule. I'm going to keep trying, as she really wants a couple of the girls to come over.
Our pc has been acting up for the last month or so. I'm this close to calling the geek squad to have them come over and do their magic. I'm afraid it's going to crash one of these days and we'll lose everything. So....if I'm of-line for a few days, you'll know why - we've either crashed or I finally called in the professionals!
Enjoy the pics!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
So Much Fun!
I've been having so much fun today taking pictures of everything (well, mostly the kids!) with my (ok, our) new camera! I LOVE it. Once we figure out how to download the pictures to the pc, I'll get some posted so you can see. I have lots to learn, and I'm looking forward to figuring out all the bells and whistles.
We all went out to breakfast this morning, at Abby's suggestion. As you all know, it's one of her favorite things to do! Everyone was very well behaved, and there wasn't one dish or cup thrown to the floor, so we considered it a success!
That's all for now....hopefully some pictures tomorrow!
We all went out to breakfast this morning, at Abby's suggestion. As you all know, it's one of her favorite things to do! Everyone was very well behaved, and there wasn't one dish or cup thrown to the floor, so we considered it a success!
That's all for now....hopefully some pictures tomorrow!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Sunday, January 6, 2008
I Can Swim Like Ariel
Today was Abby's first day of swim class. Abby and I did lots of "mommy and me" swim classes in Illinois (which she loved), but since we've moved, I hadn't signed her up for any classes. The reason being is that swimming lessons are out of this word expensive around here. And believe me, I looked and looked to find a place that offered lessons at a half way decent prince. After no luck, I finally bite the bullet and just enrolled her....I mean, the girl has to learn to swim, right? We live in the state of 10,000 lakes! Anyway, today was the first class, and I was pleasantly surprised. It's a great set-up - it's a lap pool, but it's divided into these really tiny sections for each class...there were probably 15 classes going on when we were there. She is in a class with 2 other girls, and her section of the pool is no bigger than our king sized bed.....a very comfortable environment for her. She said she had a fun time, and hopefully she'll learn a bit, too! I would love to take a class with Hannah & Griff, but there is no way I'm paying that much for them,, I'm still on my quest to find a reasonably priced mommy and me class for them!
Hannah is MUCH better. After a dose of antibiotic and a good night's sleep, she was back to being her charming little self. Griff has been practicing his climbing on all our furniture over and over and over again, all day long. He climbs up, figures out the highest point he can get to, and then does a combination of climbing, slithering, and falling down to the floor. Picks himself up and is at it again! I'm transitioning them to one afternoon nap, and so far they are doing okay. A bit tired at dinner time, but I figure it will take their bodies a few days to get used to the new schedule.
Abby is back to school tomorrow. She's excited about going back. We saw her friend Ella at Michael's Craft Store the other day and the girls chatted like they were long lost friends! It will be good to get back into our normal routine.
Enjoy the below from swim class, and some of Hannah and Griff from today.
Leaving for swim class - thanks Aunt Nancy and Uncle Don for the cool warm-up suit!! Perfect for class!

Hannah is MUCH better. After a dose of antibiotic and a good night's sleep, she was back to being her charming little self. Griff has been practicing his climbing on all our furniture over and over and over again, all day long. He climbs up, figures out the highest point he can get to, and then does a combination of climbing, slithering, and falling down to the floor. Picks himself up and is at it again! I'm transitioning them to one afternoon nap, and so far they are doing okay. A bit tired at dinner time, but I figure it will take their bodies a few days to get used to the new schedule.
Abby is back to school tomorrow. She's excited about going back. We saw her friend Ella at Michael's Craft Store the other day and the girls chatted like they were long lost friends! It will be good to get back into our normal routine.
Enjoy the below from swim class, and some of Hannah and Griff from today.
Leaving for swim class - thanks Aunt Nancy and Uncle Don for the cool warm-up suit!! Perfect for class!

Thursday, January 3, 2008
A Budding Artist?
I finally broke out the paints for Hannah and Griffin today. I was looking at old pictures of Abby the other night, and came across some of her painting at their age, so I figured it was time. They are a bit more interested in EATING the paint than Abby was at their age. Anyway, it kept Hannah from crying for a half hour, so that in itself was good. She's been crying just about every waking hour for the past four days. If you are carrying her around, she is fine, but the minute you put her down, she screams, yells, cries,'s a very desperate sound. I finally took her to the doctor today because I had to see if there was something else going on other than her cough and runny nose. Sure enough, she has an ear infection. Still not convinced that is why she is so whiny and clingy - we'll see how she does after a couple of days on the antibiotic.

And Mike and the girls.....
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